External Evaluations

ESG Assessment

FTSE Blossom Japan Index Series

We have been selected as a constituent member of the FTSE Blossom Japan Index and the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index. Both indices incorporate Japanese companies that demonstrate outstanding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance and are used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products.

GRESB Real Estate Assessment

This global real estate company benchmarking system, which was established in 2009 by a group of major European pension funds that led the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), evaluates the ESG considerations of companies and funds that own and manage real estate. We have participated in the assessment since 2019, and in 2022, we obtained a "2 Star" and "Green Star" rating under the GRESB Ratings.

Environmental Real Estate Certification

Click here for a list of Environmental Real Estate Certifications already obtained.

BELS (Building-Housing Energy-efficiency Labeling System)

BELS is a certification system in which a third-party evaluation organization assesses the energy-saving performance of buildings and evaluates them at five levels based on guidelines established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. BELS is an abbreviation for Building-housing Energy-efficiency Labeling System. We have acquired certification for eight of our properties, including Awajicho Tosei Building.

DBJ Green Building Certification

DBJ Green Building Certification is a comprehensive evaluation by DBJ that includes not only the environmental performance of a building, but also consideration of social demands from various stakeholders, such as crime prevention, disaster prevention, convenience, and comfortability. We have acquired certification for three of our properties, including Toranomon Tosei Building, our former headquarters.

Health and Safety

Outstanding Health and Productivity Management Organization 2023

This system recognizes small, medium and large enterprises and other organizations that practice health management with particular excellence, based on efforts to respond to local health issues, and to improve health promoted by Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
In recognition of our commitment to health management, we have been certified "Outstanding Health and Productivity Management Organization 2023 in the large enterprise category."

Management Infrastructure

DX Certification

Based on the DX Certification System established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, we obtained certification as a "DX Certified Operator" as of October 1, 2021.

Disclosure and Website

IR Site Ranking

In an external evaluation that commends investor information of listed companies, we received a high evaluation in FY2023 for the quality of information and usability of our website. In 2023, the company was again selected as a company of excellence in the Gomez ESG Website Ranking, which specifically evaluates ESG websites.

2023 IR・ESG Site Ranking Awards

Gomez / IRサイト総合ランキング銀賞(2023年)
Gomez / IRサイト総合ランキング 不動産業 第1位(2023年)


GRESB Public Disclosure Assessment

In the GRESB disclosure evaluation, which measures the level of ESG information disclosure, we received a "Level A" rating, the highest level in 2022, for our ESG information disclosure efforts.